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Meet Margaret

Functional Nutrition & Orthomolecular Health Practitioner

My Story

My Story

Our bodies are so fascinating and resilient. If women only understood how they work

and why they do not, we could all be living our best lives.


Years ago, I was on quite the health journey myself. I was constantly getting sick, had

zero energy and was running on empty. I kept running on empty for years. My body

finally gave out and I could barely get out of bed. I reached a point where I was in and

out of the hospital and felt hopeless beyond measure. I was being told that all my blood

work is normal.

Finally I decided to take matters into my own hands and found an alternative healthcare

practitioner. Through data-driven testing, proper nutrition, supplement protocols tailored

to my needs, and lifestyle changes, I regained my health and have never felt better.


This inspired me to change my career path and make a real difference. I want to show

women that health is more than just getting through life without a headache but to be in

optimal health means you wake up every day with such joy and happiness that it literally

makes the world a better place.

When you give your body/mind the right spark plugs it will reward you beyond your


With Love

Green Juices
Our Mission

Get Started

Ready to kickstart your journey to better health and wellness?


Schedule‘New Beginnings’ 

consultation with HB Wellness.

 We will dive deep into your health goals and concerns to determine the right strategy for you. Let's work together to create a personalized plan that will help you achieve your nutritional goals and live a healthier lifestyle.

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